Available snakes 
 (all prices in Canadian dollars)
- By credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
- Cash
- Money order
Online payments are handled by PayPal ( sign up for a free PayPal account )
All snakes are guaranteed to be healthy and feeding. Lot prices available. Shipping available at the buyers expense
( orders of $ 250 minimum ).
To get yours please contact me at webmaster@antaresia.org or call 778 - 833 - 4603
Kenyan sand boa (Eryx colubrinus loveridgei)
I have two litters of the Kenyan sand boas - one born on August 11th and one on August 18th, 2006.
They will be available as soon as they will feed at least 3 times, which
will be in July.
Price: $ 60 single / $ 100 pair. Take all at $ 40 each !

Children's pythons (Antaresia childreni)
The Childern's pythons have been born on May 24th, 2006.
Price: $ 120 single / $ 200 pair. Lot prices available.
Ball python (Python regius)
This is 2005 female. She is in excellent health and weighs 540 grams on an empty stomach. She was acquired as a baby from DNA Reptiles.
I have many projects going on and she does not really fit anywhere now, so I decided to let her go.
Price: $ 220
We are located in Vancouver, British Columbia. Local delivery prefferred. Shipping on orders of at least $ 250 available.
To get yours please contact me at webmaster@antaresia.org or call 778 - 833 - 4603
Please state your location, how many snakes you want to purchase.